Saturday, July 28, 2007

Summer Part 2

First song: Written after a tough end to the year, I'm writing about my support system at school, but also about a hope for something better. A song about decisions, with a promise of support no matter how things go.

Second song: Written last year for a best friends 20th birthday. It's probably going to be rerecorded and rewritten for a more universal story.

Hope you enjoy. New songs, including the one in the previous post to be posted as soon as my computer stops being stupid.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey... I hope you're not creeped out or anything, but I was in your Organic lab section last spring and followed a facebook link here. I just wanted to comment on your posts - I never realized how deep of a person you are and I really admire and am intrigued by your ideas on a range of issues, especially the church. You write very well and express your thoughts clearly, which is sadly rather rare these days. Anyway, I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading some of your work. And your music is excellent.

9:26 PM  
Blogger KYLEGA said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:34 PM  
Blogger They call me Alexandria said...

looks like its been a while. You need to get on this new post business.

11:10 AM  

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